During the summer months, temperatures in California can reach up to 86°F. So staying cool during summer can be a real challenge!

Fortunately, almost 100 million American homes are fitted with AC systems to keep you cool and comfortable in the summer. However, if your system is going to keep running smoothly you need to maintain it properly.

Not sure how to prepare your AC system for summer? Then you’re in the right place. Read on to find out six top tips from an experienced home air conditioning service!

1. Check How Old Your Air Conditioning Unit Is

All HVAC systems have a shelf life so it’s worth checking how long yours has been around. If your system is less than 5 years old then it should be in good working order. Systems that are older than 10 or 15 years, may need AC repairs or replacing.

You should be able to find out the age of your system from its manual or by looking at the machine itself. If you can’t see this then a heating and air conditioning service may be able to help you out.

2. Turn Off the Power

If your system is less than 5 years old, you can give it a clean yourself. Before you do this, make sure that the power is off by disconnecting your system at the service panel.

You should never clean your AC system while the power is still on, as you could get electrocuted.

3. Clean Your Air Filters

Once the power is off, start by cleaning or replacing the air filters. If you have fixed air filters, you can clean them using your vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, replace them at least twice a year.

4. Clean the Coils

To remove clean the coils of your AC unit, you will need to unscrew the side and remove this. Then you can lift the coils from the top of your AC unit.

You can clean these using the soft brush of your vacuum cleaner but you should be very careful when doing this. Bending one of the delicate coils could cause serious issues for your AC system.

5. Check Your Thermostat

Your AC system’s thermostat is responsible for regulating its temperature so you need this to be working properly. Check that your thermostat’s switches are positioned on ‘on’ and ‘cool’.

If your thermostat isn’t working properly, try replacing the batteries. If this doesn’t work then you should call a professional for help from a service in Visalia.

6. Test Out the Unit

Once you have cleaned and checked your unit you can put it back together and test it out. It’s a good idea to do this before the warm weather hits. That way, if you need an air conditioning repair you can get this done before you really need to use your AC unit.

Get Help From an Air Conditioning Service Today

Air conditioning maintenance will help keep your unit running for as long as possible and help you catch repairs quickly. Make sure you do this in plenty of time so that your unit is up and running in time for summer.

Are you worried about a serious issue with your AC system? Then get in touch with an emergency air conditioning service near Hanford today.