If you’ve ever been in an area that has poor air quality, you probably notice the difference. Air pollutants are all around us but they don’t always stay indoors. We’ll review the signs of your home having poor air quality to help you recognize when you have a problem and may need to have your air ducts sanitized.
Keep in mind that even if your home is clean, your air quality may be poor. Everyday activities can lead to airborne contaminants. If you live in an area that has outdoor pollution, you’re probably at higher risk. However, this isn’t something you should leave alone. You and your family’s health can be negatively impacted by this so you’ll want to know the signs that you have a problem.
1. Frequent Coughing and Chest Congestion
The concentration of particles in the air is what determines air quality. You’re going to encounter some of these every day and in small amounts, they’re not typically harmful. However, if you step into a house that has poor air quality, you’re going to notice a difference.
As your body takes in more foreign particles, you may develop a cough or congestion. This is your body’s work of trying to get rid of these objects so take note if you start coughing frequently inside.
2. Fatigue or Feeling Lightheaded
Some of the compounds in the air may be extremely dangerous such as some chemical or gaseous products. Fumes or carbon monoxide may not always be noticed but they can lead to cognitive symptoms such as feeling sleepy, dizzy, or fatigued.
If you notice these symptoms suddenly or start feeling any of them, leave the house right away. Call a professional to inspect for gas leaks or similar problems before re-entering.
3. Frequent Illnesses
What may surprise you is that the particle concentration and the humidity in your home can both work together to make you sick. If your house is too dry, the airborne particles are going to move more quickly. This is why you tend to be more sick in the winter than the summer months.
If you notice that you and your family is frequently battling with colds and coughing, this can be a sign that your air quality is poor.
4. Headaches
When you’re exposed to chemicals or strong odors, you may notice that you start to get a headache. Some common household items such as cleaners, garbage, and pesticides can all contribute to poor air quality and cause you to experience these symptoms. You may also notice that you have a sinus headache frequently as this can also be caused by congestion in the air.
5. Worsening Allergies
If you have airborne allergies, then you probably know the symptoms fairly well. They may be worse at certain times of the year and this is fairly normal. However, if you start to notice your allergies appearing more frequently or when they’re not typically happening, your air quality could be the cause.
Poor air quality can lead to worsening allergy symptoms. You may not notice a difference though when you start to clean more or even take allergy medication. Many people notice that their symptoms don’t start to improve until after they’ve started using an air purifier.
6. Irritated Mucous Membranes
The mucus membranes are the lining of your eyes, mouth, nose, and throat. Contaminants, as well as dry air, can irritate these areas. If this is happening to you, you may be experiencing itching, running, or even burning sensations to these sensitive areas. Some people also notice that they have more frequent nosebleeds. This is especially common when your air quality is both poor and also lacking moisture.
7. Nausea
This is not the most common sign of poor air quality but some people do notice that exposure leads to nausea when they’re sensitive. If you notice that you’re starting to vomit or have a prolonged period of nausea, then you should take this as a serious problem.
These symptoms may be caused by something other than poor air quality but you should try to seek out medical attention promptly. If caused by a serious air quality threat, it’s likely that something is very wrong and needs to be addressed promptly.
6. Respiratory Problems
When it comes to poor air quality, you may run into more respiratory problems. A cough is always annoying, but pollutants can also lead to infections. They may be causing you to have respiratory infections and irritation.
This can happen to anyone but it’s frequently going to affect the most vulnerable person in your household. Any kids living in the house, people who have a compromised immune system, and anyone with asthma is likely going to experience symptoms first. Household pets may also be affected so pay attention to their breathing if you’re concerned.
7. Skin Irritation and Dryness
This is an area that often surprises people. Not only can this affect mucus membranes, but poor indoor air quality may also actually irritate your skin. If you start to notice any new skin problems such as dryness, flaking, rashes, peeling, or redness, you may want to take a closer look. People who have skin conditions such as acne or eczema may have worse symptoms as well.
If you start to notice any of these symptoms in yourself or anyone else in the home, then you should take note of these symptoms. Acute difficulties breathing should not be left untreated and consider this a medical emergency. All of these signs can mean poor indoor air quality but there may also be other problems so always seek the advice of a medical professional.
If you notice any combination of these signs listed here though, take the time to act promptly to avoid any long-term problems. An HVAC contractor is a great asset to have. This professional can recommend ways to help with the problem and address your air quality needs.
If you’re concerned about indoor air quality, look for these warning signs and address the problem promptly, and prevent chronic problems.
Right now, Comfort-Now Air Conditioning & Heating has a special deal where you can get an A/C Tune-up PLUS a FREE duct sanitation. Find out more by getting your air ducts sanitized by visiting here.