The majority of families in the US spend $2,000 every year on energy bills. Half of that goes toward keeping homes warm or cool. Despite the cost of using an air conditioner, many people neglect to plan regular AC maintenance. Without air conditioner maintenance, the unit will work twice as hard to function. It might break down. Before that happens, use this AC maintenance checklist to keep your Porterville, CA unit at peak performance.

Change the Filters

Add an alert on your phone to switch to a clean filter every three months. Replacing the filter could lower energy consumption by 5 to 15%. You can save thousands on energy expenses and keep the filter from getting clogged.

If the filter gets clogged with pet dander, pollen, and other particles, clean air won’t travel through as efficiently. The AC unit will work twice as hard to push air through the filter. Your energy bills will rise as the unit struggles to function.

Components might wear down, increasing the likelihood that the unit will break down.

Filters can get clogged in as little as 30 days, especially if you have pets. If you have pets at home, change your filter more often than once every three months.

To determine if your filter is clogged, remove it from the AC and hold a light against it. If you can’t see the light pass through the filter, you need a replacement.

Consider talking to an HVAC professional about switching to a different type of filter. The higher the MERV rating, the fewer dust particles can pass through the filter. A MERV rating of between seven and 13 is ideal for household filters.

Check the Thermostat

Your thermostat can help you keep your home at a desired temperature, even as outdoor temperatures in Porterville rise. If there’s an issue with your AC unit, check the thermostat.

First, confirm that the cool/heat “on” switch is not toggled “off.”

Check the settings to determine if the thermostat was programmed to the wrong temperature.

After both steps, check the power supply. Confirm that the unit isn’t out of battery or disconnected from electricity.

Talk to an HVAC professional about switching to a smart thermostat. You can set your thermostat to a schedule to improve the AC unit’s efficiency.

Inspect the Lines

Refrigerant lines are located in the exterior air handling unit and condenser. If hot air travels through your AC unit, check the refrigerant lines. Confirm that they’re not leaking or clogged.

Check the exterior condenser and compressor to examine the tubes. Don’t touch the lines if you notice ice on them.

Instead, turn the AC off and turn the fan to the “on” position from the thermostat.

Call for professional air conditioning services right away. Your Porterville HVAC technician can check the lines for you.

Tighten Components

Confirm that all the necessary components are connected to electricity.

Before this step, turn off the electricity flow. Wearing gloves, tighten the electrical connections. Don’t touch wires with your bare hands.

If you’re uncomfortable with electrical work, call for air conditioner maintenance. A professional technician can handle this step for you.

Keep the Unit Level

The ground under your AC unit can shift over time. The unit could become disconnected as a result.

Confirm that your AC unit is flat to the ground and level.

If the unit begins tilting, call for professional air conditioner maintenance right away. Don’t try to move the unit on your own.

Clean the Evaporator

Evaporator coils absorb heated air within your home to ensure you stay cool and comfortable. The coil is either inside the air handler or attached to the furnace.

Shine a light on the evaporator to confirm there aren’t any cracks, bends, or holes. If there are visible issues, call for air conditioner maintenance. Otherwise, the evaporator could begin leaking refrigerant.

Neglecting to schedule air conditioning services could lead to damage to the coils and unit.

Inspect Coils

When evaporator coils become too cool, warm water can condense before converting into ice. Ice buildup around the coils will cause the compressor to run at higher temperatures. The unit could burn out.

Schedule time to check the coils once a month. If you notice ice forming, call for Porterville AC maintenance right away.

Clear the Drain

The condensate drain line carries moisture away from your home. Water can leak from the line if it becomes clogged. Mold and bacteria will spread as a result.

You might notice leaks or pools of water if the condensate drain pan becomes cracked or clogged.

Clear debris and condensation from the area using a wet vac. You can also call for professional AC maintenance services.

Check for Leaks

Check for leaks in the ducts if cool air isn’t circulating throughout your home.

Check for loose ductwork or gaps between the ducts. If you notice issues, call for professional air conditioning services. Checking and cleaning the ducts can keep mold and dust from circulating.

Keep an eye out for these common HVAC problems. If these issues sound familiar, request AC maintenance services right away.

Schedule Maintenance

The best way to ensure your AC unit operates at peak performance is to request regular AC maintenance. Regular maintenance will extend the lifespan of your unit.

A professional technician can review your unit to ensure everything is functioning properly. They can fix small issues before more extensive issues cause the unit to break down. With help, you can keep your unit functioning at its best throughout the year.

Keeping your unit functioning at its best will reduce energy costs.

Talk to your AC technician about switching to a more energy-efficient unit. Switching to a new unit could reduce your AC use by 20 to 50%. You can cut costs and keep your unit from experiencing unnecessary wear and tear.

Complete Your AC Maintenance Checklist

Work through this AC maintenance checklist before you notice issues with your unit. Completing this checklist can boost your unit’s energy efficiency. It can also help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

Comfort Now believes in giving families optimal comfort. We strive to set ourselves apart from other HVAC companies. You can rely on our routine maintenance checks to ensure there aren’t issues with your unit.

Contact us now to schedule your AC maintenance today.