indoor air pollutants

What Are the Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants in Porterville, CA?

Air quality. It is important to have in order to live a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, some people cannot even have this in their own house. In the United States alone, over 66 million tons of pollution were emitted into the atmosphere. Indoor air pollutants can make it practically insufferable to live inside your home.

What air pollutants do you need to be on the lookout for? Here are a few to keep an eye on.

Secondhand Smoke

One of the most preventable types of indoor air pollution is secondhand smoke. This is a homeowner's choice as to whether they want to smoke inside of the home.

If there is secondhand smoke in your home, it can lead to some serious diseases. This includes cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, asthma, and more.

Unfortunately, over 28 million Americans smoke cigarettes. It is likely that some of these people smoke cigarettes in their own homes.

However, the real concern is what happens when somebody smokes tobacco products inside of their home and other people living in the home have to breathe in that smoke.

It damages the air quality inside of your home and it can ruin it for everybody. Try to prevent smoking inside as much as possible if smokers in your household refuse to quit.


Another thing you want to look out for in your home is asbestos. This one could be more difficult to spot because you may not know what you are looking for.

Asbestos can easily hide in minerals or rocks. Depending on your area, the air from an area with major asbestos exposure can sneak inside your own house. However, do not rule out asbestos coming from materials used in your house's construction.

If you are not careful, this can end up scarring your lungs.

Carbon Monoxide

This one is even more difficult to spot because there are no obvious signs that you are being exposed to carbon monoxide. This is because it has no odor and there is nothing visual that you can see. So, this can easily sneak up on you if you are not proactively looking for it.

How can you be exposed to this? Look for anything that requires gas. This can be anything from your stove to your heater, furnace, generator, and more.

If you notice yourself suddenly getting dizzy and feeling weak, it is possible that you have been exposed to this. You need to act quickly in this situation or it can kill you if you breathe in enough of this.

Counter Indoor Air Pollutants

These are some of the indoor air pollutants that you need to be aware of. Some of these you have more control over such as secondhand smoke.

However, other things such as asbestos and carbon monoxide can be more difficult to spot and more difficult to prevent. In this situation, you should turn to a professional such as Comfort Now Air Conditioning and Heating.

Request an estimate here and we will check on your indoor air pollutants.

AC companies

3 Tips for Finding AC Companies in Visalia, CA

Temperatures can reach a high of 96 degrees during July in Visalia, CA, making an AC essential for comfort.

If the condition of your AC isn't great or it has already broken then it is a good idea to get it fixed or replaced before summer begins. There are many AC companies to choose from but finding one that is reliable and reasonably priced can be a challenge. 

Start by using these 3 tips for picking the right AC installation and repair company in Visalia.

1. Has the Best AC Units

When it comes to an AC company, you want one that carries the best brands. You don't want your air conditioner leaking because it can't handle the humidity due to low quality.

That is why one of the best ways to stay cool during a Visalia summer is to have an AC that keeps a consistent temperature. You also want one that runs smoothly and doesn't cause any disturbing background noises. 

In addition, an AC should fit the needs of your home. At Comfort Now, we make sure the right AC is chosen for the cooling needs of your home. We base this decision on your home's orientation to the sun, the number of windows, and how much heat your appliances release. 

2. Proper Installation

Some units only require an AC tune-up. Others require the complete installation of a new AC. If the installation isn't done properly then you will have higher utility bills and a less efficient AC. You may even find your AC pan leaking or some other major problem if poor installation is causing it to clog.

An average central AC can use as much as 3,000 to 5,000 watts of energy a day, depending on how the size of the house and how hot it is outside. However, another factor is how well the AC unit was installed.

At Comfort Now, we take installation seriously. We ensure that air ducts are flowing optimally by using supply duct volume dampers and measuring the cubic feet per meter of air. Balancing the airflow will help keep each room of your home at the right temperature and save you from high energy bills. 

3. Quick and Reliable Service

When searching for AC repair near me, you want to choose one that has continued service guarantees. Whether you get a complete installation or regular cooling maintenance, having a reliable AC in Visalia is essential to stay comfortable. Therefore, you should never have to wait for service.

In addition, if your AC breaks then the company should offer an AC repair-free estimate before beginning any service. You should always know what you are paying so that you are sure you're getting the best price. 

At Comfort Now, we have a 1-year buy-back guarantee to ensure your unit works just as it should. 

All AC Companies Aren't the Same

You may think that all AC companies do the same thing and that picking one over the other won't make a difference. However, at Comfort Now, we show you that isn't the case. From proper installation to fast service and personalized guarantees, we stand out from the rest.

Contact us today for a free assessment of your AC unit. 


ac maintenance

3 Tasks for Spring AC Maintenance in Hanford, CA

As the weather warms up in Hanford, CA, it's time to start thinking about getting your air conditioning system ready for the season.

Spring is the perfect time to do some essential maintenance tasks to ensure that your AC system is running efficiently and effectively. It's best to do this work before the heat wave of the summer arrives. After all, that's when you'll want your system working at full functionality. 

What three tasks should you add to your spring AC maintenance checklist? Read on and we'll walk you through what you need to know. 

1. Change Your Air Filter

One of the simplest but most important tasks for spring AC maintenance is to change your air filter.

A dirty air filter can restrict airflow, reducing your air conditioning system's efficiency and increasing your energy bills. A clean air filter, on the other hand, helps your AC system to run more efficiently, improving indoor air quality and saving you money on energy costs.

How often you should change your air filter depends on factors such as the type of filter you use, the number of pets in your home, and whether anyone in your home has allergies.

In general, it's a good idea to check your air filter every month and replace it every three months or more if needed.

2. Clean Your AC Unit

Over time, your outdoor air conditioner can become clogged with leaves, grass clippings, and other debris.

This can reduce airflow, making your AC system work harder to cool your home and increasing the risk of system breakdowns. That's why it's important to clean your AC unit regularly.

Start by turning off the power to your AC unit at the breaker box.

Then, use a garden hose to rinse away any debris that has accumulated on the exterior of the unit.

You can also use a soft brush to gently clean the fins and coils. Be sure to remove any vegetation that has grown around the unit, as this can also impede airflow. This is an essential piece of HVAC maintenance. 

3. Check Refrigerant Levels

Your AC system relies on refrigerant to cool the air in your home.

If your system has low refrigerant levels, it won't be able to cool your home effectively, and it can put a strain on the system's compressor, leading to system failures.

That's why it's important to check your refrigerant levels as part of your spring AC maintenance.

Refrigerant levels should be checked by a qualified HVAC technician. If your refrigerant levels are low, your technician can add more refrigerant to your system to bring it back up to the proper levels.

Basics of Spring AC Maintenance 

Spring AC maintenance is essential to ensure that your AC system is running efficiently and effectively throughout the warm season.

By performing these simple tasks, you can help to prevent system breakdowns, improve indoor air quality, and save money on energy costs.

If you need assistance with your AC maintenance in Hanford, be sure to contact a qualified HVAC technician. We can help keep your system in top condition - give us a call anytime.

Smart Thermostat, Visalia CA

The Benefits of Connecting a Smart Thermostat to Your HVAC System in Visalia, CA

You've rushed out the door for work... only to remember that you left your thermostat on 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, you're wasting substantial amounts of energy unnecessarily and adding to your energy bill in the process.

If only there were a way to lower your thermostat remotely. Well, there is! It's called a smart thermostat and it offers a number of capabilities that you can't get with conventional thermostats.

Wondering how you can benefit from a smart thermostat in Visalia CA? Then read on. Here are the benefits of a smart thermostat.

Saves You Money

A smart thermostat costs more than a conventional thermostat . . . at first. However, due to the smart thermostat's ability to alter temperatures automatically throughout the day, it will cut down your energy usage and therefore save you money over time.

Let's say that you want your home to sit at 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night when you get home but want to turn it up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you're not home. You can ensure that this happens on a regular basis by simply programming your thermostat to accommodate the changes.

You could also, say, program your thermostat to turn the temperature down during bedtime. This, again, could save you money on energy usage.

Ensures Optimal Comfort at All Times

Another benefit of smart thermostats is that they ensure optimal comfort at all times. This is because they can be programmed to make temperature changes, even when you're not in the home.

So, if you wanted to, for example, keep your temperature at 78 degrees during the day but have it cooled to 72 degrees by the time you get home, you could program your thermostat to run your air conditioner an hour before your typical arrival time. This way, the home will be fully cooled when you step through the door.

Allows You to Make Adjustments Remotely

Smart thermostats can be controlled through phone apps. Therefore, they can be adjusted from remote locations.

Let's say that you want to turn your temperature up to save energy but forgot to do so before you left your home. With a smart thermostat, you could simply make the adjustment from your phone after you've arrived at work.

Gauges Your Comfort Preferences

Smart thermostats also have the ability to gauge and learn your comfort preferences. This enables them to make automatic temperature changes throughout the day without you having to even program them.

If you have a zoned cooling or heating system, you can use a smart thermostat to gauge which parts of the home are in use. The thermostat will then adjust temperatures and cater to those parts based on what it gauges.

Interested in Installing a Smart Thermostat in Visalia CA?

As you can see, smart thermostats provide a variety of benefits that you won't get with conventional thermostats. Looking to install a smart thermostat in Visalia CA? Look no further than Comfort Now Air Conditioning & Heating.

We've installed smart thermostats in a bevy of Visalia area homes, allowing our clients to fine-tune their home temperature to a tee. If you need help with a smart thermostat or some other portion of your HVAC system, give us a call.

Contact us today to discuss your needs!

hire an HVAC company

5 Reasons to Hire an HVAC Company for Homeowners in Portersville, CA

The typical household in the US spends over $4,400 a year on utility bills. Without regular HVAC maintenance, however, your energy use could rise. Before that happens, hire an HVAC company in Portersville, CA.

They can ensure your HVAC unit works properly, allowing you to save money and avoid stress.

On the fence? Read on to discover the top five reasons you should consider choosing a professional HVAC company in Portersville today!

1. Save Money

One of the top reasons to hire a Portersville HVAC company is to save money.

Without regular HVAC maintenance, your unit could break down. You'll have to pay to replace the entire unit. With routine HVAC system repairs, you can fix small issues before they become a major expense.

Your HVAC company can also help you make informed decisions about your energy use. They could help you recognize new ways to save money.

2. Experience and Expertise

If you're unfamiliar with fixing or installing HVAC units, don't go the do-it-yourself route. Choosing to do it yourself could cause you to make mistakes. You could risk voiding the warranty on your unit, too.

Instead, choose an HVAC company with years of experience fixing units in Portersville. Their hands-on experience will ensure your unit is properly installed or repaired.

If the unit isn't fixed properly, you could spend even more on monthly energy usage.

3. Safety

If you lack experience fixing HVAC units, you might unintentionally hurt yourself. Instead, allow a professional to handle the problem.

Their HVAC system repairs can improve the air quality in your home. At the same time, you can avoid an injury that might keep you out of work for a while.

4. Save Time

Trying to diagnose and fix HVAC issues could take valuable time out of your day. Instead, talk to your local HVAC company. They can fix the problem without stealing time from your busy schedule.

Look for a team that already has a glowing reputation in Portersville. You'll have peace of mind knowing a professional team is working on your unit. Their ability to save you valuable time will minimize your stress load, too.

5. Increased Efficiency

Preventative maintenance can improve the lifespan of your HVAC unit by 15 years or more. Hiring a Portersville HVAC company can help you extend the lifespan of your unit. Look for a company that offers preventative maintenance as a service.

Schedule routine maintenance in the spring or fall months. Scheduling maintenance will ensure the unit works at its best during harsh summer or winter months. Without maintenance, components can experience wear and tear.

Your entire HVAC unit might break down as a result. With regular HVAC maintenance, you can make smaller repairs as needed instead.

Hire an HVAC Company in Portersville, CA Today

Don't try to fix your HVAC unit alone. Instead, hire an HVAC company in Portersville, CA. You can depend on their experience and abilities to make necessary HVAC system repairs.

Their services can save you time and stress in the long run.

Need help with your unit right away? Comfort Now is here for you. We offer Air, plumbing, and heating services to ensure your home is comfortable all year long.

Contact us today to get started.

a person in gray working on a machine

3 Heater Troubleshooting Tips for Porterville, CA Homeowners

Modern furnaces and heating systems are designed to last anywhere from fifteen to twenty years when they are well maintained. But that doesn't mean you won't experience any issues within its lifespan. 

Having a functioning home heater is critical to making sure your family is safe and comfortable throughout the winter months. When it's not working, you could end up being cold or paying way more than necessary to keep warm. Once you start experiencing heating issues, it's important to take action right away. 

There are a lot of reasons your heater could be malfunctioning, so check out these heater troubleshooting tips to get to the bottom of the problem. 

1. Perform Regular Maintenance 

Keeping up with regular central heating system maintenance often sounds a lot easier than it actually is. The tasks aren't necessarily difficult or time-consuming; it's just hard to remember they need to be done when they aren't in your face all the time. 

When you let some of these things go, your system may not work as well as it should. Catching up on this upkeep can help restore function and get your house back to being warm and cozy. Things like changing the air filter, cleaning the ducts, and inspecting the motor will help you know everything is working properly. 

2. Check the Power Supply

Obviously, no heating system can work without an ample power supply, and often this can be the reason it's not working correctly.

It's especially helpful to check the fuse box connected to your heating system. These fuses can get blown or breakers tripped when there is a power surge. That's a simple fix that can restore power to your system to get you back up and running. If it continues to happen, you'll want to call in a professional to resolve the underlying issue.  

3. Inspect the Thermostat

When the heat stops working, the first inclination is often to go right to the source and check on the HVAC system. But sometimes, the problem can actually stem from the thermostat itself. 

A thermostat controls the temperature of your home by signaling to the systems when it's time for the air or heat to turn on or off. If there is an issue with your thermostat (whether it doesn't have power or isn't regulating), the heating system will suffer as well. Replacing a thermostat is much less complicated than an entire heating system, so start your inspection here! 

Heater Troubleshooting Tips to Try Today

While working through these heater troubleshooting steps can help you get to the bottom of your heating issues, sometimes it's easier to call in the professionals. This way, you know everything is being taken care of properly, and you won't have to deal with any lingering issues. 

Finding a great HVAC team to handle your heater repairs will make your life so much easier. They'll come in and handle everything for you while you go about your regular activities. 

Our team is dedicated to providing amazing service in the Porterville, CA area. If you're in need of any HVAC work, contact us today to schedule a consultation! 

5 Signs It’s Time to Seek Professional Furnace Repair in Portersville, CA

Furnaces have an efficiency rate of 80% when it comes to heating the standard American home. During winter, your furnace is very important to keep you and your family warm. So, when it comes to needing a furnace repair service, you want to make sure you’re dealing with the best.

There are certain signs you’ll notice that could mean it’s time for some furnace maintenance. You should never ignore these alerts.

If you’re in Portersville, Visalia, or Hanford CA, and have concerns about a broken furnace, check out the common signs of furnace problems below.

1. Your Furnace Smells Strange

After regular usage, your furnace shouldn’t have a smell. So if you do notice one, this could be a major warning sign of a big problem.

If there is an issue with your furnace, you’ll be able to smell something called Aldehydes. This odor comes from poor combustion. You might notice a metallic smell or a waxy scent like the one you might get after extinguishing a candle.

2. Your Utility Bills Have Gotten Higher

If you have a furnace in Portersville, Visalia, or Hanford CA and your energy bills have increased, your furnace may be to blame.

While your bills would usually increase during colder seasons, a very sudden change can be caused by your furnace running poorly. If you notice your bills rising and can’t explain the change, it is time to get an expert to take a look.

3. Strange Noises Coming From Your Furnace

Any odd noise coming from your furnace is a sure sign that you need to get it checked out. A furnace generally has a soft whirring noise when it is functioning correctly.

However, banging, grinding, and rattling are not normal sounds for your furnace to make. This is a sure way to tell you’ve got a damaged furnace on your hands and need an expert to take a look.

4. You’ve Had Alerts From Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm

If you’ve got a furnace in your home in Portersville, Visalia, or Hanford CA, then it’s also a good idea to have a carbon monoxide alarm. If you notice your alarm going off, then a damaged furnace or heating fault might be to blame.

It’s extremely important to get an expert to take a look if your carbon monoxide alarm is going off. This is a very dangerous chemical that you cannot smell but can be fatal if inhaled.

5. You Aren’t Getting Enough Heat

One sure way to tell that your furnace isn’t working is from a noticeable lack of heat. You should be getting strong ad efficient heat from your furnace whenever it is on, especially in the colder winter months and snowy weather. If this isn’t the case, you likely have a fault in your furnace and need to get an expert to take a look.

Get a Furnace Repair From the Experts

In winter, your furnace is more important than ever. If you need a furnace repair, it is better to get it seen sooner rather than later.

A broken furnace not only means less heat for your home. It can also make your energy bills jump and may even be dangerous for you and your family.

For your furnace repair needs in Portersville, Visalia, and Hanford CA this winter, get in touch today.

air balancing

Air Balancing: 7 Things Visalia, CA, Homeowners Need to Know

Have you ever been in a spot in your building that feels abnormally warm or cool compared to the rest of your home? It can be quite frustrating, especially on days when it's hot or cold out. 

What many people don't realize is that HVAC systems don't heat and cool every area in the home equally. Over time, these systems need to undergo a process called air balancing to ensure that it distributes an ample amount of hot and cold air. Here are seven things you should know about this process.

1. What is Air Balancing?

Air balancing is the process by which maintenance workers adjust your HVAC system so that every area in your building gets enough hot and cool air. When the systems are first installed, they should already be balanced. Over time, they will need adjustment every so often. 

2. Problems Air Balancing Can Diagnose

Maintenance workers determine how well your system runs by performing a series of tests. By analyzing the data from these tests, they can determine how well air circulates throughout your building. Through this, they can identify temperature imbalances and determine the problem that causes them. 

Some of the issues that can cause these imbalances can include:

  • Damaged air ducts
  • Loose duct joints
  • Blockages
  • Ill-fitting air ducts
  • Ductwork with sharp turns

3. Check Your Filters For Cleanliness

Checking how clean your filters are can help alleviate some air balancing issues. Clean filters improve airflow and improve the efficiency of your furnace. Dirty filters can cause it to overheat and shut off quickly.

Dirty filters can also cause breakdowns. Keeping them clean can extend the life of your system. By doing these things, you can also reduce your electricity bill since you help optimize your system.

4. Have The Proper Documents

A technician should have proper documentation before they do any air balancing. These can include duct design calculations, the layout of ac duct lines, equipment information, and control documentation. If you don't have these documents, you should get a sketch of your duct system

5. How Do You Know If You Need Air Balancing?

If your building has hot or cold spots in certain rooms, you should schedule air balancing for your system. Electricity bills that are higher than normal are also a telltale sign. If some of your vents are struggling to feed air, even while open, that is also an indicator. 

Finally, if the temperature between floors of your building has a difference of two degrees or more, you should schedule service.

6. Avoid Placing Electronics Near Your Thermostat

Electronics generate heat, and if they sit near the thermostat, they can cause it to think a room is warmer than normal. When this happens, your vents may need adjustment. Try to keep devices as far away from the thermostat as possible.

7. Adjust Ceiling Fans

Adjusting the direction of your ceiling fans can have a large impact on airflow. In warmer months, your fan should spin counterclockwise to create a cool downward flow of air. In warm months, set it to go clockwise at a slow speed to evenly distribute warm air.

Comprehensive HVAC Maintenance

Air balancing can keep you comfortable in your building no matter where you're at. Regular service can help you cut costs and extend the life of your system. You can also take steps to improve the air quality in your home as well.

At Comfort Now, we provide quality HVAC repair and maintenance. We have offices that service Visalia, Porterville, and Hanford. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

common furnace problems

What Are the Most Common Furnace Problems in Hanford, CA?

If you own a home in Hanford, CA, you shouldn't have to worry about firing up your furnace too often throughout the course of the year. Temperatures tend to stay on the milder side in Hanford for the most part.

But it's not uncommon for the temperature to drop down into the 50s, the 40s, and sometimes even the 30s between December and February. There might even be some days and nights when the temperature comes close to going below freezing.

This will force you to turn your furnace on. It might also lead to common furnace problems.

Today, we're going to discuss a few of the most common furnace problems in Hanford, CA so that you know which furnace repairs might be in your future. Find out more about these heating problems below.

Furnace Not Producing Enough Heat

The furnace in your home includes a lot of different parts that all work together to do one job. Their job is to produce enough heat to bring the temperature in your home up.

When this isn't happening, it'll be one of the biggest heating problems you can have. It could potentially make it dangerous for you to stay in your home if you don't get your furnace fixed.

Your furnace might not be putting out enough heat because:

  • Your thermostat is set incorrectly
  • Your furnace filter needs to be replaced
  • Your pilot light is out

The good news is that a furnace that isn't putting out enough heat might not have anything seriously wrong with it. But you're going to need to call on a heating company to help you diagnose the problem quickly so that you can turn your heat back on.

Furnace Turning On and Off All the Time

Your furnace is going to turn on and off a bunch of times throughout a normal day. It'll work with your thermostat to turn on when your home needs heat circulated in it.

But if your furnace is turning on and off pretty much all the time, that could be an indication of one of the most common furnace problems. It might be happening because you have an old furnace filter in place that's not allowing enough air to pass through it.

You can try replacing your furnace filter on your own to get your furnace working in the way it's supposed to again. But if this doesn't do the trick, you'll need a heating company to take a trip out to your home to take a closer look at your furnace.

Furnace Making Strange Sounds

Your home's furnace is going to make a little bit of noise when you turn it on. This is perfectly normal and not a huge cause for concern.

But if your furnace is making sounds that you haven't heard before, this is when you should start to worry. These sounds can suggest any number of heating problems, so you'll want to get a heating company on the phone right away to get some assistance.

Call Us If You're Experiencing Any of These Common Furnace Problems

If you're experiencing any of the common furnace problems listed here, we're the Hanford, CA heating company you can trust to help you with them. We'll inspect your furnace for you, figure out what's wrong with it, and get it going again.

We can also perform a furnace tune-up for you at the start of the winter season or replace an old furnace with a new one. We're your one-stop shop for all your home's heating needs.

Contact us now if you have a furnace not working in Hanford, CA.

cooling maintenance

What Happens When You Ignore Your Fall Maintenance in Hanford, CA?

By simply replacing a clogged air filter you can lower your HVAC's energy consumption by up to 15%. If such a small bit of maintenance can make such a large difference, then why don't more people make it a priority? The answer: many people just aren't aware of what happens when you ignore heating and cooling maintenance.

If you're one of those people, that's ok! Because in this post, we'll show you a few of the things that can happen when you ignore your fall air conditioner maintenance.

Keep reading to learn more.

Blocked Air Flow Around Exterior Unit

In order to function properly, your exterior HVAC unit needs a decent amount of clearance around it for airflow. During the summer, if left unchecked, grass, shrubs, and other debris can quickly build up around the exterior unit.

If you don't clean up around it in the fall then the dying plant life will soon become a problem. It can end up blocking that airflow and making it so your system needs to work much harder to heat or cool your home.

Poor Air Quality

Changing or cleaning your air filter is one of the most important things you can do for fall AC maintenance. If you haven't already changed the filter during the summer then all of the pollen, other allergens, dust, and debris that has been building up in the air filter during spring and summer will still be there into the fall.

When the filter gets clogged with dirt like this it makes it less effective and leads to poor air quality in your home.

As the temperature in Hanford drops to the lows of fall and winter you'll likely spend much more time inside your home rather than outside. You don't want to be breathing in unnecessary dust and dirt every day.

Health Risks

If you don't do heating and cooling maintenance in the fall then you run the risk of switching to heating with unknown damages to your system. It's important that you catch any damages, leaks, or other potential safety hazards early, so they can be fixed before they can make you sick.

One of the most common dangers is a build-up of carbon monoxide from a malfunctioning furnace. CO poisoning can make you very sick at best and can be fatal at worst.

Higher Heating Costs

It may seem impossible now since recent temperatures in Hanford, CA have been in the 80's, 90's, and even 100's, but cooler weather is coming soon.

Along with that cooler weather comes a switch to heating. If your HVAC isn't well-maintained it can wind up costing you much more in heating costs. The harder the unit has to work to warm up your home, the more you'll be paying for it.

A well-maintained unit will be working as efficiently as possible, which means you'll be paying as little as possible.

Take Care of Your Heating and Cooling Maintenance Today

Heating and cooling maintenance are an important part of the change in the seasons. As you shift from the hot summer months towards the cooler temperatures of fall it's time to prepare your HVAC system to be ready to switch over to heating.

If you're in the Hanford, CA area and are in need of regular HVAC maintenance or an HVAC repair before fall, we can help! Schedule an appointment today.